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Working Backwards


Working on a project that you really want to succeed in? Do you envy someone else’s success? (Don’t feel bad, it’s not wrong).

One good way to achieve success is to relax and imagine that you’ve already achieved it.

What?!  you say, RELAX and DAYDREAM that I’m a success?! I have a lot of work to do to get my business started, I don’t have time for things like relaxing or imagining.

Absolutely. Relaxing and being future focused will put you in a better place to actually do the work necessary for your success. It will allow you to look at the steps in a different light, perhaps thinking of actions you might have missed. Don’t worry; this isn’t a “name it to claim it” scheme. Studies have shown that “future thinking” is necessary to success. Athletes do it all the time.

We liked this so much; we included this exercise in our book, Lemonade.

• Visualize your success as if you have already achieved it. You’ve already finished it, and it was a smashing success!

• Based upon that success, what are you doing? What are your clients doing? How are they reacting?

•Be reflective. How did you get there? What sorts of things worked? How will you reinforce those successes? What will you tell people who ask about how you got there? What are your clients saying about you?

Once you have mapped out your game plan, it will be much easier to play…and WIN!!

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